Water purification information

Water purifiers may usher in "spring" under the influence of the epidemic

Views : 131220
Update time : 2022-04-14 15:53:13
Since the Spring Festival of 2020, an epidemic has changed the lives of people all over the country, and this protracted battle against the epidemic is quietly changing people's working methods and lifestyles, and has also spawned many new business opportunities. The public's demand for health is rapidly emerging, and it is foreseeable that the big health industry may usher in explosive growth in the future.

What is the big health industry?
When it comes to the big health industry, some people may feel unfamiliar. In fact, in a broad sense, health includes people's "clothing, food, housing, transportation, birth, old age, sickness and death", and covers the health maintenance of people's entire life cycle. The resulting healthy agriculture, healthy industry, and health service are the health industry. Functional water purifiers are also a unique product of the health industry. Today we mainly talk about why functional water purifiers may usher in "spring" under the epidemic.
At present, more than 80% of the reverse osmosis water purifiers on the market are reverse osmosis water purifiers, that is, more than 80% of people drink relatively safe and pure water, but at the same time, they also remove beneficial trace elements and minerals from the water. The water purifier can adopt advanced and scientific water treatment technology; it can not only remove toxic and harmful heavy metals and organic substances in the water, but also retain the original minerals, and also endow the human body with essential natural mineral elements (such as zinc, selenium, strontium, calcium and metasilicic acid, etc.).
First of all, let's talk about the subtle relationship between trace elements and immunity.
The immune system needs regular nutrient intake to be stronger. Scientists have long found that people who are nutritionally unbalanced are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Deficiencies of different trace elements, such as zinc, selenium, iron, copper, strontium, etc., may make people more susceptible to illness.
The human body is composed of more than 60 elements. According to the different content of elements in the human body, they can be divided into macro elements and trace elements. Although trace elements only account for less than 0.01% of the total weight of the human body, such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, molybdenum, cobalt, etc., they are closely related to health: excessive intake, deficiency or deficiency will vary to varying degrees. Affects the health of the immune system.
Zinc, iron, copper, selenium, strontium, etc. For example, zinc can directly stimulate the proliferation of thymocytes, increase the secretion of thymosin, and maintain cell immunity; another example is selenium, which has a wide range of immunomodulatory effects; copper can enhance neutrophils. The phagocytosis and bactericidal ability of cells; iron can maintain the bactericidal activity of neutrophils; strontium is closely related to the development of human bones, cardiovascular function, human metabolism, and excitation of nerves and muscles.
About 50% to 70% of human body weight is water. Not only that, water participates in every process of human food digestion, absorption, nutrient delivery and utilization. Water is a medium for absorbing nutrients, transporting nutrients, and excreting waste. Therefore, water participates in the entire metabolic process of the human body. Therefore, we should not only drink more water, drink safe and clean water, but also drink nutritious water that can make us healthier.
It can be seen that functional water purifiers may welcome "spring", and "spring" will be ushered in! In today's era of reverse osmosis water purifiers, whoever deploys functional water purifiers earlier will surely occupy the market earlier!
AICKSN adheres to industry co-construction and leads industry standards
Focus on the upgrading of terminal water purification from safe water to healthy water, support brand water purification enterprises to provide consumers with the overall solution of "purification + mineralization" safe and healthy water, and provide brand water purification enterprises with differentiated product function design, development, A full range of OEM and ODM services such as verification and manufacturing.
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